Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Change is Good...Although Sometimes it's Bittersweet

Things are moving along with the house.  The contractor says most of the renovations will be done by the end of next week (drum roll here).  What started out as just a couple of things, turned out to be a lot of things!  We are super excited about the new house though...and of course the girls are super excited that they will each have their own room.  The boys could care less that they will be sharing, however, they do have the biggest room in the  house, even bigger than mine and T's.

This week I gave my official notice at work.  I have been working at El Montecito Presbyterian Church going on 2 1/2 years.  It was a difficult decision, but one that had to be done.  Here is what I have written in the monthly newsletter which goes out to the congregation.

It is with great sadness that I am announcing to my wonderful ELMO family that I will be resigning from my position as Executive Administrator on June 8th.  
 As many of you know, last November I was asked by a wonderful man, Terance Kinsky, to take his hand in marriage, and I said yes.  We are thrilled to be  getting married on July 14th!  
 Now here is where it gets tricky...between Terance and myself, we have seven children and a grandchild!  Now don’t panic, all will not be living in one home,  however we will be blending five children under the age of 12, under one roof.  Because of this, we began the search for a bigger  home, and found the perfect one in Los Alamos, California.  Unfortunately, with my new and upcoming responsibilities of becoming  Mrs. Kinsky (aka Mrs. Brady), it would be extremely difficult to wear that hat and my hat here at ELMO.  After much prayer and discussion, we had to make this difficult decision.  
 I would like to express my sincere gratitude and thanks for the opportunity to serve ELMO for the past couple of years.  It has been a huge blessing, and you all have become a great big family to me!  I will miss working in the office and getting to talk to, and see, so many of you every day, but look forward to keeping in touch outside of the workplace!  
 Love and Blessings,

<insert tears here>  I truly will miss my ELMO family.  

ELMO Staff Christmas Party

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